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Requesting permission to build on abandoned lot
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7/31/2024 at 4:43:27 PM GMT
Posts: 3
Requesting permission to build on abandoned lot

I share a cabin with my brother, and there is an empty cabin lot just down the road from ours. Apparently the cabin was abandoned years ago and the forest service did a controlled burn on it. Does anyone know if it's possible to build a new cabin on that lot? I know the FS isn't necessarily keen on growing the cabin program; would I just be wasting my time trying to get traction with the FS?


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

7/31/2024 at 8:41:17 PM GMT
Posts: 18
Give it a try

NFH is currently working with Congress to introduce legislation that would have the Forest Service issue permits to rebuild on lots such as the one you describe. NFH is gravely concerned about the significantly declining number of cabins and want to have cabins rebuilt on lots already authorized for use as recreation residences. The advocacy effort is described here on our website. The page also includes a link to submit questions or comments if you want more details about how your situation over laps with our national effort. 

My advice to you is to approach your District Ranger as there are some supportive agency line officers. Knowing the response (any answer: yes, no, maybe) would be useful to our national effort as well as which National Forest you are in. 



Meredith Randall, NFH President

8/2/2024 at 3:09:17 PM GMT
Posts: 3
Hi Meredith,

Thank you for the prompt reply, and thank you for the work on updated legislation. We love our cabin and hope that the program can stay alive as long as possible.

I'll reach out to our Forester and let you know what the response is.
