Repairs and Maintenance
I have two logs that are rotting because of water bouncing back up on them (you can poke a finger all the way through them). I have asked USFS if I can extend the porch overhang to stop this from happening, they responded that "due to the nature of the request we have to submit this for staff and SHPO review/approval. This would most likely happen after the first of the year." OK, so I have to wait.
When I stated that I would like to repair the logs (bottom load bearing ones), they replied, "According to the guidelines, it says “after forest service approval”, maintain and repair the original siding and trim, using matching materials, design, details, and approved colors. If the siding has deteriorated beyond repair, replace them with new materials that match the original."
I am confused by this, does this mean that every time we want to oil our logs, fix the chinking, repair a window sill, etc we have to get approval? We are not allowed to maintain anything on the outside without approval? And what if they say no? Then we have to just leave the issues to continue to deteriorate?
Thanks for any input.