Please make use of the latest NFH videos you may find helpful.
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| *New - Here is a video about tax implications of cabins lost to disaster with CPA John Trapani and NFH sharing how to navigate post-disaster tax reporting. You can also view the slides in pdf format HERE. | | | | |
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| | | We encourage all cabin owners and tract leaders who are by definition in the wildland urban interface to become familiar with Firewise strategies. < Watch this free online video "After a Fire" to learn more. The session was recorded at the 2021 NFH Virtual Conference. Invite cabin friends to watch with you. | | |
What Do We Know - After a Fire?
The Recreation Residence Program has suffered losses over the years due to fires. If you would like guidance with the post-fire, clean-up and rebuilding process, NFH is happy to help and connect you with the right information and process. We have learned a few lessons, sadly, from experience, and we want to share what we know with you.
| You've done all you can to prepare, helped clean up the fuels around the cabin area, and followed all the orders. At times, the worst can happen and a fire will impact your cabin or cabin tract. Now what? Sometimes, it can take days or weeks to learn the fate cabins in the path of a fire. Often the forest is closed while fighting the fire and for some time afterwards.
Learn more about the post-fire process in this presentation, After the Fire Expectations. | |
| With Recreation Residences, rebuilding is not a given.
The USFS will work with the Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) team which is tasked with completing required post-fire assessments to learn the viability of a cabin lot for rebuilding. This process can take some time, often half a year or more. Get answers to your questions from our After a Fire FAQ. | | |
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